Zone (3?) 4-9
Pseudata and species-cross (Spec-X) are a cross between two irises of different species, this is not common and when it does happen the children are often sterile. No worries of seeds and or of the need to dead-head. If you do get a seed or two feel yourself very lucky and do plant it, for it is special.
Soil: A good enriched soil with compost is best (we use composted steer manure).
Water: Average water of 1-2 inches a week (can take very wet feet even growing in water, great for a rain garden).
Light: Full sun (min. 6 hours) to bloom well.
Planting: Cover the rhizome with one to two inches of soil, watering in well. Do not let the new transplant go dry; a daily watering may be needed for the first week or two. Planting in a shallow depression will help to hold the water in around the plant for a good start. Note that this is just the opposite for the bearded class of irises.
Mulch: With two to three inches to suppress weeds and to help retain moisture.
Fertilizer: In the early spring when the plant is six inches tall and again right after bloom using a balanced all-purpose such as 10 10 10.
PH: Very tolerant, however do best on the acidic side.
Height: 36” and up
Width: Strong big growers, give a foot print of 2’ by 2’ minimum.
Transplant: Every three to four years for vigor and manageability.
Foliage Color: The spring time foliage maybe yellow (especially in a maritime zone) do not think that your soil is lacking in nitrogen; the plant will green up with stronger sun of more daylight midsummer. I find this early spring foliage to be a bonus for the garden.

NOTE: It has come to our attention that many people that live in hot areas with intense sun find that newly received plants may do better by potting up in a container to start the new root growth in a protected semi-shaded area. Then when the weather cools down to plant the iris out in the permanent garden spot. Each garden and gardener is different; it is up to you to find out what works the best for you and your garden. Talk with your local American Iris Society Club Affiliate, find them at www.irises.org, click on Resources and Links, and then click on Regional or Local Club.
Chad Harris